
W(OMEN), The Good Omen!

It goes without saying that God created Women, bestowing each one of them with some or the other magical powers. Look around and you’ll believe it, whether she is your Grand Maa or your Mom, your Sister or your Friend or your Spouse or even your Daughter. They all have some magical attribute to themselves which is so unique that it makes them stand out of the rest.

I do believe that a housewife is not merely a housewife. She is actually the most selfless and grounded soul on this Earth; and lucky are those who have a Mother or Wife who happily sacrifice their entire lives being a Homemaker and turning our Houses into Homes, where only Love and Happiness dwells, and where truly our Heart is!

Having said that, I have huge respect for all the Working Women as well. They stand equivalent to their opposite species in a so-called male dominated structure (although things seem to be changing), and provide not just emotional but even financial support to their spouse and family. 

So, if Homemakers are Wonder Women then Working Females are Super Women. And I am privileged enough to be surrounded by different kinds of women in my own family, be it my Mommy and Chachi or my sister and my lawful sister’s who all stand out in their own special roles, giving me glimpses of how beautifully a woman can adapt to the different roles life presents her with.

My next blog post, ‘Boring Work Wear? Nah; Suit Up Ladies!’ is specially dedicated to all the Working Women out there who have some divine power of balancing their personal and professional lives. Although the post is a little too lengthy, but trust me, it’s worthy of every moment you spare reading it.

Due to some technical issues with the new portal I switched to for blogging, the post hasn’t been published as yet. Will try to get it sorted and share the link very soon. Till then, here’s the excerpt of the same.

Women at work; wear clothes that speak & spell power and not make you appear sissy or girly. Dress impeccably well and feel all the more powerful!☺ More power to you all. Happy W(omen)’s Day!

Am sure girls will share the post with their counter parts. I request all the Gentlemen to feel free to dedicate the post to all the Super Women in your lives and wish Your Lady, A Happy Women’s Day, in Gentleman Style. Thanks much.☺

Create, recreate and generate!

Keep the love flowing.♥

Namrata Chadha.

One thought on “W(OMEN), The Good Omen!

  1. Proud to be women…..we all women’s on the planet are super women so right as per me we women are step ahead in everything if we compare with man 😉what say ???

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